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BioReproLV - Preservation of genetic diversity of cow breeds to be cultivated in Latvia

BioReproLV - Preservation of genetic diversity of cow breeds to be cultivated in Latvia


Preservation of genetic diversity of cow breeds to be cultivated in Latvia as the Danish red cow (DS), local origin Latvian Brown cow (LB) and Latvian Blue cow (LZ), stabilising the conservation of the genophones by applying multiple ovulation (MO), embryonic transference (ET), and associated biotechnology techniques.


The breeds of local Latvian cows, such as LB and LZ are only in Latvia – they are unique. Also, they producē best and most typical “red” milk variety. DS Should be maintained as a rezerve for genes, since its disappearance is a problem at European level. It is possible to acquire and reproducē outstanding genetic material potential in the course of a relatively short period of time by developing genetically-based breeding laws for animal breeding. Nearly 10 years ago, Danish scientists were interested in the availability of a pure-bred DS deep-frozen bioproduct.


Latvian Breed Animals Association of Latvia is a competent institution in Latvia and an internationally recognized organization in breeding planning and implementation. The involvement of partners was and is the necessity to ensure the selection and evaluation of genetically based breeding animals and donor cows required for the project, to certify the acquired progeny and to compile documentation for registration in accordance with the established procedures Breeding Law.


In Latvia, following a 35-year break, the use of MOET method was renewed for breeding cows. Two specialists have been trained to collect embryos, as well as four specialists for embryonic transferences. Another 4 specialists trained in the labaratory for the manipulaton of embryos – locating, evaluating, preparing transferences or kryopreserving. MO was inducēs in 39 cows, but ET performed in 92 recipients. So far 22 gestations have been obtained and 9 offsprings have been born for that moment.