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Mobility in the field of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Nr.EEZ/NFI/S/2015/026)


Projekta realizācijas laiks/Project period:01.08.2015. - 30.09.2016.

Partneris/Partner: Norvēģijas Dzīvības zinātņu universitāte / Norwegian University of Life Sciences

Projekta mērķis/Aim of the project:veicināt cilvēk resursu attīstību, lai, atbilstoši LLU attīstības stratēģijai, kļūtu par modernu un starptautiski atzītu universitāti, kur internacionalizācija un starptautiskā sadarbība vijas cauri studiju procesa, zinātnisko aktivitāšu un administratīvā darba plānošanai un nodrošināšanai    /    to faciliate the development of human resources, so as, according to development strategy of LLU, to become a modern and internationally recognized University, where internationalisation and international cooperation winds through the planning and providing of  study process, scientific activities and administrative work.

Sasniegtie rezultāti/Achieved results (results of staff mobility at institutional level):
Direct results:
-acquired knowledge and confidence about the necessity in improving the study programme “Landscape Architecture”, a challenge in near future that will be done to secure the internationalization of studies;
-knowledge about new tendencies in the field of landscape architecture in Norway, guided by one of the best and recognised specialists in country, as well as seen practical examples of modern landscape architectural solutions in environment to improve the teaching methods and quality;
-Stimulated bilateral cooperation and mobility between partner institutions.

Indirect results:
- improved collaboration between partner-institutions, mutual trust, popularization of internationalisation activities and raising of competitiveness.

Plānotās un īstenotās aktivitātes/Planned and implemented activities: mācībspēku mobilitātes / teaching staff mobility

Projekta koordinators/Project coordinator: Agris Dobrovoļskis, agrisd@llu.lv, Tel.: +37163005684