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Scholarship Activity


The activity "Scholarships" is a part of the financial instrument "Research and Scholarships" that is financed by EEA Financial mechanism and Norwegian Financial Mechanism. The implementation of Scholarship Activity in Latvia is secured by the Ministry of Education and Science in cooperation with the State Education Development Agency.


Objective of the Scholarship Activity

Activity shall strengthen bilateral relations by enhancing two-way mobility between higher education institutions (hereinafter – HEI) in Latvia and the Donor States (Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein) in order to increase the capacity and competence-building in Latvian institutions. The cooperation is to be based on equal partnerships between institutions, with the leading role of the Latvian institution. The activity offers as for students, as teachers possibility to gain valuable international experience and to perfect the knowledge in all thematic and study areas. Supported is mobility in both directions.

The programme offers scholarships for studies in Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein:

  • Students:3-11 months;
  • Academic staff:  1 to 6 weeks.

Scholarships for student mobility :

  • from Latvia to Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein - 1200 EUR per month;
  • from Norway, Iceland un Liechtenstein to Latvia - 800 EUR per month;
  • Tuition fees for studies - 1000 EUR per person (excluding registration costs);
  • length of studies: 3-11 months.

Scholarships for academic staff:

  • duration of 1 - 6 weeks (one week - 5 full working days);
  • the minimum grant amount applied for is 1 600 EUR, the maximum is 3 000 EUR.

Approved projects in Scholarship Activity

Mobility in the field of Food Technology (Nr. EEZ/NFI/S/2015/025)
- Mobility in the field of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Nr.EEZ/NFI/S/2015/026)
- Mobility in the field of Information Technologies (Nr. EEZ/NFI/S/2015/027)
Mobility in the field of Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary medicine (Nr.EEZ/NFI/S/2015/028)

Contact person regarding approved projects in Scholarship Activity:

Agris Dobrovoļskis, Tālr: 63005684, Epasts: agrisd@llu.lv 


Norvēģija Dzīvības Zinātņu universitātes profesora Karstena Jorgensena vizīte LLU

LLU Biosistēmu grupas pārstāvji Norvēģijā

MF pārstāvji izmantojot EEZ un Norvēģijas finanšu instrumentu iespējas veido sadarbību ar Hedmarkas augstskolu

MF pārstāvji atkārtoti apmeklē Hedmarkas augstskolu

LLU ainavu arhitekti viesojas Norvēģijas Dzīvības zinātņu universitātē

Sagatavoti reprezentatīvie materiāli aktivitātes "Stipendijas" projektiem

Pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultātes mācībspēki Norvēģijā

Piedzīvojumiem bagātais studiju semestris Norvēģijā

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